Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Tree

We decided to cut a Christmas tree from our own woods this year.  Russell and I picked one out a few weeks ago, and this weekend we took Michael out to cut it down and bring it back to the house.  It was in the 20's when we went out, so we all got bundled up to stay warm.  Michael DOES NOT like the cold, so I couldn't get him to crack a smile in any of the photos.

We headed out on the 4-wheeler....

Now mind you, the blue spruce we picked out was about 16' tall, and we only have 8' ceilings.  So we cut the whole tree down and basically used the top half of the tree.

We dragged the tree home with the 4-wheeler.....

....and Russell and I decorated it while Michael was taking his nap.  I just didn't have the patience to let Michael help us decorate...maybe next year....

It turned out to be a fine tree, one of the best we've ever had....

Friday, December 16, 2011

Grandpa's Guitar

Michael is fascinated with any musical instrument, but especially Grandpa's guitar.  Michael is always asking Grandpa for the "tar". He loves to strum on the strings, and he dances to Grandpa's songs that he plays and sings.

Michael's Best Friend

This is Michael's best friend - Moosie (as Michael calls him).  Michael received this moose for his birthday, and he's become so attached to him.  Moosie always sleeps next to Michael at bedtime and now Michael seems to be carrying him everywhere he goes...into the car for rides and this week he joined us at the dining room table for breakfast.

Visit with Santa

While Russell was away last weekend visiting his 96-year old Grandma in Mississippi, Michael and I made a long weekend of it at my parents.  The local fire department has a visit with Santa party every year so we made the trip over there to see what Michael would do.  And here's what he did...

He made Mom sit on Santa's lap with him!

He was pretty shy, but didn't cry.  Then we enjoyed a nice lunch with Christmas cookies and all.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Advent Preparations

Michael is having his first real experience with Advent and learning about the true meaning of Christmas.  He loved playing with the candles at first....

...until he cracked one of now I told him he can only look at them and the Nativity scene...

...he is able to point out baby Jesus on his own...this boy is a sponge!

In other news....Michael has graduated from his sippy cup to drink milk like this....

And Michael just couldn't resist helping Russell recently repair the bathroom faucet sink....

It's been cold and snowy here (big surprise), but I have to admit, I'm enjoying winter a little more now since I can look out my house windows and enjoy the beauty of it all whenever I want to.  It's absolutely breathtaking and peaceful! 

Happy Advent everyone!