Friday, April 8, 2011

I Finally Did It!

Well, I finally started a blog for our dear friends in Indiana we left behind when we moved to Wisconsin (and other friends we have across the US).  This blog will mainly be about our son Michael and the life we are living in the northwoods of Wisconsin.  Let me catch up everyone with some of the latest photos from the month of March.

We have been getting bombarded with early spring snow yet....

Michael recently bundled up to play in the snow....

Russell, Michael and I playing and walking around at a local park in the town we live in....

Michael loves to stomp in puddles (especially mud puddles) and make a mess of himself...he sure does enjoy himself.

And lastly, a picture of Michael playing with Daddy's hat.

Enjoy the warmer's supposed to get to 70 degrees this weekend.


  1. Thanks so much Tracy!! I'm always happy to have a new blog to read!!

    Michael is adorable. Still can't get over how much he looks like Russell!

  2. Yay! Your blog looks fantastic! We will look forward to more posts and pictures soon!
