Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Checking In

I'm posting from the local library public computer (bummer).  We've been busy unpacking and doing home renovations, so we've been extremely busy.  I can't believe the first week of June is almost gone.  We actually had two very hot 90 degree days here, but it is supposed to cool off for the weekend.

Here are some of the latest pictures of our growing boy....

We grilled out this past weekend (bbq'd chicken wings) and Michael loved to eat the chicken off the bone.

This is what Michael's face looks like almost every night at bath time....only a dirty face a mother could love!

Orange roses (my favorite color) as an anniversary gift from my husband...we celebrated 13 years of marriage this week

Playing with the water hose for the first time this summer in 90 degree heat.  He had a blast!  I had a blast watching him!

Our woods is full of wild flowers of all different kinds.  They are not all out at the same time, but their beauty amazes me.  Every week there seems to be a new flower appearing, and it's been fun to see what perennials are appearing in my flower gardens from the previous owner.  We absolutely love it out is so peaceful and beautiful, and it's still hard for me to realize that this is our place!  I don't miss the city at all....just the friends that we made there.  And it is so nice to be closer to family.  I didn't realize how much I missed that until I moved back home.

Hope everyone is well....and I'll post again sometime soon as time permits.  If you are looking for a northwoods getaway this summer, let us know...we'd be glad to have visitors!

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