Tuesday, August 16, 2011

July Visitors

I'm way behind in my blogging, so I'll start with activities that occurred in July.  Our special friends from Indiana visited over the 4th of July (Paul, Marie and Nancy).  We had a great time filled with good laughs, good food, and lots of visiting/activities.  They got a taste of Wisconsin farm life, and a good dose of my immediate family.  The only thing I regret about the visit is the fact that I only got one picture while they were all here!!!!

Nancy would carry Michael on her shoulders and let him pick the crab apples from our tree and go put them in the bird feeder for the birds to eat!

A few weeks later, we had my three nephews (Bill & Bridgett's boys) stay over a weekend to play with Michael and enjoy the outdoors.  The boys' went fishing in our ponds with Russell, and Adam had fun trying to catch the plethora of chipmunks on our property.

We had a bonfire in the back yard and roasted brats over the fire for supper.

Jacob dressed Michael up in his sweatshirt and baseball cap.

And this is Michael's best bud cousin Paul.  Paul is 5 months older than Michael, but Michael towers over him in size.  Michael says "Paul" a million times a week signaling to me that he wants to go by Paul's house to play...too bad we live too far away to go on a regular basis.  When the boys left that weekend, Michael just cried that his playmates left.  He had such a good time!

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