Friday, October 21, 2011

Mom's Fall Helper

Michael is absolutely amazing for a 2 year old.  He is always wanting to help me with everything I do, which is natural, but some of the things he helps me with blow me away.  The month of October for us has been a "working outside" month, day after day after day, including hauling the dry wood into the basement for wood stove burning for winter heat, and of course, raking leaves and leaves and leaves.  Michael helps me stack wood (and you should see some of the size pieces he can lift and stack) and he helps me rake and haul the leaves into the woods with his own little wheelbarrow.  He helps me pick up pine cones and branches.  And he does all of this without me asking him to.  Of course, it hasn't been all work.  He loves to play in the leaves too, and I've been taking him to the park to play every time I run to town for errands.  Winter is definitely around the corner.

Michael likes to lay down on the lawn and he asks me to cover him up with leaves.  This is his "serious" look.

He likes to sit in the apple tree (fortunately at this point, I have to lift him up there...he isn't quite climbing the tree himself yet, but I know that is to come!)

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