Sunday, May 20, 2012

Attached at the Hip

My parents and my 12-year old nephew Jacob (Bill & Bridgett's son) came to spend the weekend with us.  Michael was ecstatic that we were getting visitors. Jacob provided all the attention for Michael, and quickly Russell and I (and my parents) were just an afterthought in Michael's mind.  

Michael was attached to Jacob's hip (I mean literally attached)...the entire weekend.

They enjoyed the cold water at the beach in the local state park.

They rode the lawnmower together to get the mail.

They had a blast with water guns and water fights.

They roasted marshmallows over a bonfire together.

And when the days were all said and done, Michael would crawl up in Jacob's lap for the evening instead of mine!!!

Thanks Jacob for the great weekend of entertainment for Michael!

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